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You need to know about the latest in e-commerce tech. 我们会帮你处理的.

In commerce, success is driven by customer experience. 事实上, long before “customer experience” was a concept, 马歇尔领域, founder of the eponymous Chicago department store, said “Give the lady what she wants.“顾客现在想要什么, 最重要的是, is choice: where and how they shop, 他们如何看待产品, how they decide among alternatives, 产品如何到达他们手中. Mr. Field would find satisfying customers today more difficult than before.

E-commerce has moved from being an alternate channel to, 在很多情况下, the most important channel to connect with customers. Forward-thinking businesses are moving from a multichannel model to an omnichannel model, 提供凝聚力, excellent service experiences regardless of how the customer engages. 当然, 结合电子商务, 实体, 弹出, catalog and phone shoppers into one seamless experience takes back-end systems work in addition to the more glamourous customer-facing parts.

RSM can handle all of these aspects, “from concept to code” and all points in between. We combine deeply experienced technical consulting with the creativity and design resources of a digital agency. Our experience with hundreds of middle market companies gives us insights you won’t find elsewhere. 你是否受品牌驱动, 技术驱动的, growth-driven or profitability-driven, RSM将精心打造一款创新产品, creative commerce solution to ensure that you remain customer-driven.

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Our creative design team knows and balances UX, 业务目标, 设计标准, 现代趋势, 构建的可能性, 品牌形象与美感. 

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